2024 Board Candidate | Michigan Association of Superintendents & Administrators
The following information was provided by the candidate as part of the process as  candidate for the 2024 MASA Executive Board Election. The answers provided have been formatted, but not edited.

Dr. Anthony Berthiaume

St. Johns Public Schools

Total years of service as a Superintendent:
I am in my 10th year as a Superintendent.
Nine years at New Lothrop Area Public Schools and in my first year at St. Johns Public Schools.

Total years of service:
20 years of service in education

Previous positions held:
Superintendent, New Lothrop Area Public Schools
Jr./Sr. High School Principal, New Lothrop Area Public Schools
Alternative Education Principal, Lincoln High School, Owosso Public Schools
Substitute Teacher, Livingston Educational Service Agency

Previous offices held in professional organizations and/or community groups:
Region VI President, President Elect, Past President, MASA
Council Representative for Region VI, MASA
President, Mid-Michigan Activities Conference (MMAC)
Chairperson, Shiawassee County Superintendents
Vice President, Genesee Area Conference (GAC)
Board Member & East Region Director, Michigan Alternative Athletic Association (MAAA)

Please detail your previous service to the Association and share why you are interested in serving on the MASA Executive Board:
I have been an active member of MASA since 2014. I have had the privilege to serve Region VI as President, President-Elect, and now Past President from 2021-2024. During that period, I was a member of the MASA Council. In addition, I was a member of the first Horizon Leadership Academy cohort.

This profession is about relationships, which has brought me to this point in my career. Building relationships is one characteristic that creates an effective leader for your students, staff, district, and community. I have had influential mentors in my career who provided me a path to advocate for my district, region, and associations. More importantly, these role models have helped support my growth as an educator. One of the many key takeaways I observed from each of my mentors is how they interacted with not only myself but also other professionals in and outside of education. These individuals took the time to listen, took an interest, and provided constructive feedback to help support me in my career.

My interest in serving on the MASA Executive Board is a desire and a deep-rooted commitment. Many of the mentors I was referring to have worked for or been a part of this organization. It is my time to give back and hopefully be that individual who listens, guides, and supports other colleagues throughout this organization while serving on the MASA Executive Board.