School climate surveys have evolved. While they’re essential for engaging your educational partners and improving your district, they’re also critical to fostering thriving learning environments.

So, how do you engage your community for deep insights, optimize your time, and put your money back into the classroom where it belongs? The right platform is key.

Read on for five ways to get more authentic climate survey engagement.

1. Invest in a comprehensive platform

A robust survey and engagement platform will give you high-quality data to make informed, effective decisions.

Look for one that provides a holistic view of your climate data. You want nuanced qualitative and robust quantitative data with instant, in-depth analysis, all in one platform. While it should help you understand what your participants are concerned about, it should also tell you why. It should allow you to upload any past climate survey data so you can benchmark process.

2. Start with what you’re already doing to improve school climate

You’ve gathered your community’s feedback. Now, let them know what concrete actions you’ve taken in response. Identifying how you’re already acting on your community’s needs will build trust with your district and demonstrate that you value their feedback.

3. Collaborate with your community on the survey process

Work with your community to determine survey questions and ensure they appeal to your diverse education partners’ needs. Take intentional steps to honor parents’ perspectives when making decisions.

4. Consider strategies to increase your response rate

Consider these strategies to engage your students, parents, teachers, and staff and increase response rates:

  • Get the community involved early in the process to create support and buy-in.
  • Ensure your climate survey platform is accessible on any device, has multi-language options, and is easy to use.
  • Monitor progress and give regular updates.

5. Dig into the data with other forms of engagement

Traditional engagement methods—like meetings, townhalls, and focus groups—are valuable for face-to-face time, but they have their limitations: preparation, cost, participant turn-out, and loud voices and special interests.

Leaders need engagement methods that are easily accessible to a broad range of people and allow the silent majority to weigh in.

The ThoughtExchange survey and engagement platform ticks those boxes. While Surveys are optimal for gathering fast, quantitative data and measuring a large group of people’s attitudes, behaviors, or opinions, Exchanges are perfect for gathering qualitative feedback and prioritizing people’s ideas and opinions. Interviews allow you to dig deeper into your participants’ perspectives in a one-on-one setting.

The right platform and some solid strategies will set you up for success. Check out Brighton Central School District’s story below.

Brighton Central School District Improves Safety with Community Input

An international study revealed that 1 in 3 students feel unsafe in school. How can you improve your district’s outlook and school climate? Get your community’s input on school safety initiatives to establish trust and transparency. You’ll access a bounty of innovative ideas and solutions by including them in the conversation.

Superintendent Dr. Kevin McGowan explains how he used ThoughtExchange for more effective safety planning.
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Ready to get more authentic climate survey engagement, improve your school culture, and discover how ThoughtExchange can help? Download our free resource, K-12 Climate Survey Tool Kit.
Get the Tool Kit