Bill Number: HB 4271
Subject: Math Requirements
Sponsor: Garry Howell
MASA Position: Support

Description: The bills would retain the four-credit math requirement but would allow a student to fulfill the algebra II requirement by completing a statistics course or the financial literacy course described in section 1165 of the School Code, as long as that course aligned with the subject area content expectations for math developed by the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) and approved by the State Board of Education. The bills would also incorporate the option of taking statistics or financial literacy as an alternative to algebra II into the mathematics options under a personal curriculum under the same circumstances. Currently, section 1165 requires MDE to develop—and encourages districts to adopt—a model program on financial literacy incorporating financial education throughout the curriculum for grades K to 12, which must be based on the concept of achieving financial literacy through the teaching of personal management skills and the basic principles involved with earning, spending, saving, borrowing, and investing.

Position Notes:
Position Date: 03/20/2019
Bill Status: Introduced (2/28/2019; Referred to Committee on Education) Referred (2/28/2019; to Committee on Ways and Means as substitute H-3) Reported (12/10/2019 to House Floor)
PA Number: NA
HB4271 link