Bill Number: HB 4536
Subject: Carbon Monoxide Devices
Sponsor: Rachel Hood
MASA Position:
Description: Requires the installation of carbon monoxide devices in school buildings. A school district would be required to install at least 1 operational carbon monoxide device at each source point in each school building in the district. A source point means an area where a mechanism is present that provides a common source of heat from a fossil-fuel-burning furnace, boiler, or water heater. It does not include an area where only a wood or fossil-fuel-burning fireplace or a wood or fossil-fuel-burning space heater is present. The device may be battery-powered, plug-in or wired into the building's AC power line. It must have an audible alarm.
Position Notes:
Position Date:
Bill Status: Introduced (4/30/2019; Referred to Committee on Regulatory Reform)
PA Number: NA
HB4536 link