Bill Number: HB 4540
Subject: Sales Tax
Sponsor: Lynn Afendoulis
MASA Position:

Description: Would amend the Sales Tax Act to make changes regarding marketplace facilitators. Defines marketplace facilitators as an individual that contracts with marketplace sellers to facilitate the sale of the seller’s products through a physical or electronic marketplace, whether or not the facilitator charges a fee. Additionally, to be defined as a marketplace facilitator, entities must communicate about the offer and acceptance, as well as a collection of payment (indirectly or directly). A person that rents out rooms or other facilities for temporary facilities or those who provide internet advertising services, including listing products for sale, would not qualify as a marketplace facilitator.

Position Notes:
Position Date:
Bill Status: (6/19/2019; Referred to Committee on Ways and Mean as H-1) Reported (10/16/19; to House Floor as (H-2), Passed (10/16/19; 110Y-0N) Referred (10/22/19; to Committee on Finance) Reported (11/20/19; to Senate Floor) Passed (12/4/19; 36Y-0N) Presented (12/11/19)
PA Number: NA
HB4540 link