Bill Number: HB 4694
Subject: Public School Retirement
Sponsor: Jim Lilly
MASA Position:

Description: Modifies allowance of a retiree to be employed at a reporting unit under certain conditions without forfeiting retirement allowance or health care coverage. The bill would amend the Public School Employees Retirement Act to extend the date for certain retirees to return to work and collect both a pension and a wage at a school employer. The bill would apply only to those retirees who returned to work and were employed as a school renewal coach or high impact leadership facilitator as part of a school leadership program funded by a Federal grant, by a private grant, or both. Under current law, the retirees described above may return to work and retain their pension, but this applies only to those people who retired after June 30, 2010, and before May 11, 2018. Under the bill, the May 11, 2018, end date would be removed, and replaced with a requirement that the person retire before the ending date of funding for a Federal grant that meets the criteria in subsection (14). (Subsection (14) applies to retirees employed in a program that supports teams of school principals and teacher leaders in elementary schools by doing activities listed in the subsection. The High Impact Leadership program meets the criteria in (14).)

Position Notes:
Position Date:
Bill Status: Introduced (6/6/2019; Referred to Committee on Education) Passed House (6/20/19; 102Y-7N)
PA Number: NA
HB4694 link