Bill Number: HB 4989
Subject: Intermediate School Districts
Sponsor: Jim Bellino
MASA Position:

Description: Modifies timing and manner for submitting regional enhancement property tax questions to the intermediate school electors in certain larger intermediate school districts. The bill would allow all ISD regional enhancement millage elections to be treated the same way. Currently, ISDs with populations greater than 1.4 million students must hold a special election on a regional enhancement millage at the next state primary or general election. HB 4989 eliminates that requirement so all regional enhancement millage elections would be held either at the school district elections or at a special election.

Position Notes:
Position Date:
Bill Status: Introduced (9/18/2019; Referred to Committee on Education) Referred (10/29/19; Committee on Ways and Means)
PA Number: NA
HB4989 link