Bill Number: HB 5041
Subject: School Buses
Sponsor: Tyrone Carter
MASA Position:

Description: Would amend the Michigan Vehicle Code to allow a school bus to be equipped with a stop-arm camera system. The recorded video from this system could be used as evidence in certain traffic violation proceedings. This camera system consists of two or more cameras affixed to a school bus. HB 5041 states that the cameras must be synched to allow to automatically record or photograph a vehicle that fails to stop for a school bus or passes a school bus. The camera must be able to photograph the license plate of the violating car as well as at least 200 feet in front of the bus. The camera must also be able to record the date, time, and location of the image.

Position Notes:
Position Date:
Bill Status: Introduced (10/8/2019; Referred to Committee on Military, Veterans and Homeland Security), Referred (12/3/2019; to Committee on Judiciary, with substitute ((H-1)))
PA Number: NA
HB5041 link