Bill Number: HB 5087
Subject: Education Board
Sponsor: Tenisha Yancey
MASA Position:

Description: Requires continuing education for board member training beginning with board members elected or appointed after November 1, 2020. Within the first 2 years of being elected or appointed to serve as a board member, training shall be completed. The department shall approve a training program for a board member to complete that must include, but is not limited to, training in the following topic areas; conflicts of interest related to board members, labor relations, education law, school finance, and board governance. If a board member does not complete a training program, the other board members shall ensure that the district's website homepage has the noncompliant board member's first and last name and a statement indicating that the board member did not complete the training. The bill also requires that the first and last name of each board member who completes a training program be listed on the district website with a statement that they completed the training.

Position Notes: The committee discussed some revisions that would need to be made to the bill regarding public recognition of the board members.
Position Date:
Bill Status: Introduced (10/8/2019; Referred to Committee on Education)
PA Number: NA
HB5087 link