Bill Number: HB 5133
Subject: Counseling Education
Sponsor: Alex Garza
MASA Position:

Description: Creates a school counselor corps grant program. The bill would appropriate $5 million General Fund dollars to the Michigan Department of Education (MDE). A district shall submit an application in a form and manner prescribed by MDE. The applications will include a list of the schools operated by the district that would receive funding, the number of school counselors employed by that district, the ratio of pupils to school counselors, information detailing if the district has adopted standards regarding school counselor responsibilities as recommended by a national association, any partnerships with higher education institutions to increase the capacity of effectiveness, the district's plan regarding the use of funding they would receive, the district's plan to involve leaders and faculty members, among other requirements. MDE must consider the following factors when determining which applicant will receive grants; the district dropout rate, remediation rate, percentage of pupils eligible for free or reduced lunch or at-risk, number of pupils previously enrolled who graduated and enrolled in post-secondary education, if the district adopted standards for school counselors, the likelihood that the district will continue to fund increases in school counseling services once the funding under the bill expires, the geographic location of the district, the ratio of pupils to school counselors, among others. MDE is required to submit a report that summarizes the information received by the department. They will be required to provide support to districts regarding the most effective uses of grant funding. MDE shall contract with the Michigan College Access Network to administer the program.

Position Notes:
Position Date:
Bill Status: Introduced (10/23/2019; Referred to Committee on Appropriations)
PA Number: NA
HB5133 link