Sandbox | Michigan Association of Superintendents & Administrators

Please note that you should receive a confirmation email shortly after submitting your RFP. If you do not receive a confirmation email, it may indicate that your RFP submission was not received. This email might also be filtered into your spam or junk folder. If you have not received a confirmation, please contact Diane Dick at

Presenter Information

School District, Company, or Organization*

Co-presenter(s) Information

Co-presenter 1 - Name:
Co-presenter 1 - Title:
Co-presenter 1 - Organization:
Co-presenter 1 - E-mail:

Co-presenter 2 - Name:
Co-presenter 2 - Title:
Co-presenter 2 - Organization:
Co-presenter 2 - E-mail:

*if you have additional presenters you must make sure you provide all the contact information (including email) if selected to present. 

Session Information

Session Title :*
Session Description*
Please select ONE area of focus / central theme for your presentation from the following options:*
Three attendee takeaways from your session.*

Please submit a brief summary that outlines your qualifications and expertise to present the above session information. (Required)

Speaker Qualifications*

Please complete the spam protection verification code below before you click submit. Once you click the submit button you should receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive this email, please contact for verification.   

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