Name:* First Last School District, Company, or Organization* Title/Position* E-mail:*Co-presenter(s): Session Title :* Please check which of the following area(s) of focus your presentation will address:*Student and staff wellnessAcademicsSchool climateFamily and community engagementPostsecondary educationAdequate, equitable fundingConsistent fundingAttracting and retaining top talentInnovation in teaching & learningUniversal Pre-KJustice Equity Diversity InclusionResiliency and effective self-care strategiesSession Description*Please limit your session description to 3-4 sentences. Three attendee takeaways from your session.*Please submit a brief summary that outlines your qualifications and expertise to present the above session information. (Required)Speaker Qualifications*Please complete the spam protection verification code below. Once you click the submit button you should receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive this email, please contact for verification. Math Verification:SubmitReset