Neola recognizes that the global pandemic continues to impact the way each district, administrator, teacher, and support staff member provide services to students, and as much as we want this pandemic to be over and done with, the last few months have continued to show us that the pandemic is not yet a thing of the past.

The pandemic and current policy climate have put additional pressure on School Boards to respond quickly and appropriately to the continually evolving needs of each District. Neola has worked with MASB and our Michigan legal counsel at Varnum, LLC to craft policy changes and legal guidance to assist Administrators through these challenging times.

Neola recognizes that maintaining effective policies are at the core of successful district governance.  These policies should reflect both local oversight and ever-changing state and federal laws as well as the mandates of regulatory agencies. This can be an enormous task, but as MASB’s policy provider we are confident that the materials that are provided will keep the board’s policies current and compliant and the district’s administrators, teachers, and support staff are able to focus on what is most important – educating the children in their care.

The second regular update of the school year (Volume 36 Number 2) will this month and addresses a variety of topics that have a significant impact on districts.

Those topics include but are not limited to the following topics:

  1. Update on MIOSHA-OSHA Developments;
  2. Closed Captioning of Video Recordings on District Website (Legal Alert);
  3. Maintenance of Effort (MOE) and Maintenance of Equity (MOEquity) (Legal Alert);
  4. Cost Principles – Spending Federal Funds [EDGAR] (Policy Revision);
  5. Procurement Federal Grants/Funds (Policy Revision)

As this Update “season” gets underway, Neola offers some suggestions for current clients to access the comprehensive policy services through your Neola Associate.  While “in-person” consultation sessions are the preferred method for Neola Update “visits”, the means by which you and your Neola Associate accomplish this review should be mutually determined based on availability and level of comfort with the consultation process.  Your Neola Associate will be in contact with you soon to discuss these options with you and to schedule an appointment to review this update and ensure you are current on this and previous updates.

Neola strives to provide your district with a level of service and support that meets your compliance needs, addresses the issues facing your schools, and exceeds your expectations.

To the districts who utilize Neola to provide your policy service – thank you, we are proud to be your policy provider. To any districts who are interested in our comprehensive policy and administrative guideline service, please do not hesitate to contact us at