The Michigan eLibrary (MeL) has nearly 100 databases that have been purchased on behalf of all citizens in Michigan. Many of these eResources have content that support our K-12 Academic Standards as well as the Essential Instructional Practices in Literacy; Career, College & Military Preparation; and the MITECS.
There are eBook collections dedicated to K-8 and High School. Administrators also have access to Education Source, an outstanding database that includes current subscriptions to Educational Leadership, Phi Delta Kappan, Literacy Today, School Library Journal (click on the date within the publication to expand to the current/past issue of your choice), and so many more! For elementary teachers, most of the Scholastic publications are available throughout the individual databases. Most of these resources integrate with Google and OneDrive; all of them can be shared via learning management systems in a very granular way.
MeL staff are also available to travel to schools throughout the state to work with K-12 professional staff to understand what exists in MeL and how to utilize these eResources with their instruction. There is no charge for these training sessions.