About Diane | Michigan Association of Superintendents & Administrators

ddick@gomasa.org | 517.327.9261

Diane Dick, CMP, GMS


Associate Director of Conferences and Events

Diane has over three decades of experience in the conference planning field. Prior to coming onboard at MASA in January 2005, she was with Public Sector Consultants, Diversified Management Services, and the ATHENA Foundation in conference planning roles. 

Diane earned her Certified Meeting Professional (CMP) designation in January 2009.


Roles & Responsibilities

Coordinating and planning Association and contracted events; serving as the staff liaison to the Conference Planning Committee. 

What Drives You?

Pride in what I do. I was raised by strong parents with a strong work ethic and a ‘never quit’ attitude. If my name is associated with it, it better be the best it can be.

Dynamic Details

  • I am a sports nut and “very competitive.”
  • My family is my EVERYTHING.
  • My Dad was and always will be my hero.