About Kayla | Michigan Association of Superintendents & Administrators

khorton@gomasa.org | 517.327.9244

Kayla Horton, M.A.


Communications Coordinator

Kayla has over a decade of experience in the field of education.  She has served as a classroom teacher, interventionist, instructional coach/coordinator, and a member of MAISA’s Early Literacy Coaching Network. Kayla’s array of experiences has equipped her with a unique educational lens that combines the practical knowledge of a classroom teacher with the strategic vision of a district administrator and network member. 

Kayla holds a Master of Arts in Educational Studies and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Michigan. Forever, GO BLUE!


Roles & Responsibilities

Developing and implementing marketing plans; creating written content for various platforms; managing Association’s social media networks. 

What Drives You?

“Cultivating authentic relationships grounded in shared humanity, compassion, and love.”

Dynamic Details

  • Word aficionado – I love crosswords, word games, quotes, etc.
  • I have a keen eye for photography and love capturing candid moments.
  • I started to teach myself Spanish at the age of nine; I can speak, read, and write it now but I am grossly out of practice.