About Matt | Michigan Association of Superintendents & Administrators

mschueller@gomasa.org| 517.327.9265

Matt Schueller, J.D.


Director of Government Relations

Prior to coming onboard, Matt was with the Legislative Service Bureau – a nonpartisan service agency that is part of the Michigan Legislative Council. He also previously served as Legislative Director at Acuitas, a multi-client lobby firm in Lansing; as a Senior Policy Advisor in the Michigan House of Representatives; and as Policy Director for former State Representative Greg MacMaster. Matt also spent time as a litigation associate at Morgan Melhuish Abrutyn law firm in New Jersey. 

Matt holds a Bachelor of Arts in History from the University of Michigan and earned his Juris Doctor from Seton Hall University, where he was also the Associate Editor of the Seton Hall Journal of Sports and Entertainment Law.


Roles & Responsibilities

Developing, managing, and executing all advocacy efforts as the Association’s lobbyist, including engaging members in grassroots advocacy efforts; working with lawmakers and state agencies to advance legislative and regulatory priorities. 

What Drives You?

To excel and be thought of as a leader.

Dynamic Details

  • I lived in New Jersey for several years.
  • I thoroughly enjoy sleeping.
  • I’ve written several draft novels that I’m trying to get published.