About Phil | Michigan Association of Superintendents & Administrators

pmarrah@gomasa.org | 517.327.9259

Phil Marrah


Creative Strategist

With more than 15 years of experience in the creative industry, Phil is a seasoned professional in graphic design and creative thought. His diverse background includes leadership roles within high-paced, technology-driven environments, where his design-focused approach has been instrumental in driving success. 

Phil brings a wealth of knowledge from his educational journeys at Western Michigan University and Lansing Community College (LCC) where he studied graphic design and illustration. He also serves as a member of the LCC Art and Design Program Advisory Board, demonstrating his commitment to advancing the field and nurturing the talents of future designers.


Roles & Responsibilities

Assisting with project scope and management; overseeing all digital platforms; conceptualizing, designing, and laying out materials for publication. 

What Drives You?

“A mission to do good work for good people. This purpose guides my actions and brings me profound fulfillment. The knowledge that I can create a positive impact fuels my daily motivation.”

Dynamic Details

  • When I had hair, I was a drummer in a band.
  • I believe that if it is human made, I can make it.
  • I am a hoarder of vintage books based exclusively on their cover designs.