vfineis@gomasa.org | 517.855.2810
Vanessa Fineis
Executive Assistant
Vanessa’s expertise spans over three decades, encompassing a wealth of knowledge in customer service, process optimization, and efficiency enhancement. Her substantial experience also extends to her role as a seasoned Executive Assistant, making her a valuable addition to the MASA Team.
Roles & Responsibilities
Serving the primary point of contact for MASA members, whether they are calling or visiting the office; fostering positive member relations as the Association’s event registrar; managing office supplies and additional staff supports; providing assistance to the Executive Director.
What Drives You?
“Challenging work that allows me to grow, feel appreciated, and make a difference in the lives of others.”
Dynamic Details
- I love spending vacation time on cruise ships.
- I met Taylor Hawkins, drummer for Foo Fighters, and his wife in Santa Monica.
- I like exploring haunted places.